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Live Review: NOISY @ Rescue Rooms

Roxann Yus

Hitting one of their favourite cities in the UK, NOISY invited Nottingham to the Rescue Rooms for a night of rock’n’roll raving. Roxann Yus headed down for the night to get involved in the carnage, and now reviews her thoughts on the up-and-coming band.

The self-proclaimed band that sounds nothing like a band, NOISY, have been spreading their unique sound across the UK in May and June. I was fortunate to catch them in Nottingham, a city that lead singer Cody Matthews holds close to his heart, and even claimed that “always knows how to have a good time”.

''Everybody charged to the brim with youthful energy''

But the good time started hours before NOISY even hit the stage with their line-up of local artist Big Image, as well as touring support, Barny Fletcher. Unfortunately, I missed Big Image but arrived in time for Barny Fletcher who surprised me with his energy and charm on stage. To be honest, I hadn’t listened to any of Barny’s music before walking through the doors of Rescue Rooms but was pleasantly greeted with a fun atmosphere and strikingly young audience which gave the night a club-like feel throughout.

Maybe NOISY’s 2021 track Young Dumb manifested in the crowd at Nottingham, it certainly felt that way. By the time the boys stepped on stage, everybody charged to the brim with youthful energy. As soon as the first beat dropped, the crowd moved like a wave, some opting to jump, and others with the brave dedication to the mosh. The mosh pit only grew bigger throughout the evening, encouraging and fuelling more local ravers in the audience to get in and have fun.

As a woman, I always have my eyes peeled for inappropriate behaviour, and I am especially conscious when mosh pits form in case I get hit or pushed over. But I can say with confidence that NOISY invited an extremely welcoming, safe, and respectful community of moshers into their space. No unresolved toxic masculinity taking place on the floor, only vibes, love, and a whole lot of loyal NOISY fans.

The band treated us to a healthy handful of new tracks which did not, in any way, slow down the energy. Oftentimes, new songs can be awkward as no one knows what to expect, or quite frequently people run into the pit before the breakdown even happens. But Cody guided everyone through it and ultimately became the brave-mosh-pit-starter that everyone fears to be. The new songs were just as one would expect from NOISY: easy to jump to, vibe to, and enjoy yourselves to. As well as elements of rock, hip-hop, rap, pop, jazz, and more combined to be something so truly individual. Honestly, I cannot name another artist like NOISY and that’s what makes them so compelling to people from all different scenes.

''The raw energy from everyone and my own personal enthusiasm added elements that cannot be recorded''

And what is most compelling to music lovers is when an artist sounds incredible live. My personal favourite song from the band, I Wish I Was A…, now lives in my head as their live version. The raw energy from everyone and my own personal enthusiasm added elements that cannot be recorded. I am thoroughly looking forward to the release of their new music so I can vibe to it with all these emotions and memories in mind.

After a stunning night of music, the night took an unexpected turn. Support act Barny Fletcher invited us all out to sign his car with coloured whiteboard pens. In his own words: “it was cheaper to buy an old Merc for the tour than rent one”, so he decided to at least create colour and memories out of something perhaps a little shabby. It was a completely iconic way to end the night.

But all jokes aside, this is exactly what music does. It turns a blank canvas into something colourful and meaningful. And in doing that, fun is to be had! I cannot recommend these two artists more, even if you find it difficult to stray from the domain your favourite music belongs in. Life is all about having fun, and if you can seek artists who embrace that too, your relationship with music becomes something totally fabulous!

Roxann Yus


Edited by: Amrit Virdi

Featured image courtesy of NOISY via Facebook.

In-article images courtesy of @hidethepark on Instagram.


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