All the way from Melbourne, Australia, punk-rock duo Mannequin Death Squad began their
extensive UK tour in Nottingham’s own DIY music venue, The Chameleon Arts Café. Kerenza Hudson offers her thoughts.
With the release of their new single Super Mental Psycho that has been eagerly awaited from fans since their last release in 2019, they brought a high energy show that shook the floors of the attic venue.
When arriving, we could already hear hometown band Peach Head, who had an indie vibe. However, after collecting our respective drinks from the well-stocked craft bar, we were greeted with a blaring alternative-rock sound. Setting up for the evening ahead of us and filling the room with a eagerness and buzz, the room then welcomed on Fan Rights.
"The duo lit up the room with energy; there’s a 'Riot Grrrl' spirit from the band with the female fronted vocals from Elly Vex, that brought the sticky floors and heat of any high power gig."
I’ve previously seen Fan Rights at The Chameleon and had the pleasure of photographing them, and their warm, softer, shoegaze tone made it a perfect introduction to the alternative and DIY scene for my two friends who I had dragged along. They instigated an atmosphere that brought together the crowd, with a strong sense of community for the local music scene championed by their 80s rock inspired riffs and groove. Despite the short set of their original songs including Pedestal, Wandering Brain and Everything’s Backwards, they provided a friendly interaction with the crowd and a nostalgic sound.
After a short break and another round of drinks, Mannequin Death Squad were set up and ready to deliver. The duo lit up the room with energy; there’s a 'Riot Grrrl' spirit from the band with the female fronted vocals from Elly Vex, that brought the sticky floors and heat of any high power gig. Honey Punch shook the floors and gave me the first and smallest mosh-pit I have seen in such a small venue (which my friends subsequently threw me into) clearly delivering the raw essence of punk and it’s DIY core. The entire set list featured an angst fuelled rage, perfect for the duo to run and jump across the room, with thrashing beats and intense guitar riffs. The new aforementioned track Super Mental Psycho was enthusiastically greeted by the crowd, with it’s lyrics reflecting instability and emotions, blasting throughout the venue with grunge style. Altogether, the ferocious duo brought a frenzied energy to the Chameleon Arts Café and kicked off their international tour in style. Well received by the locals of Nottingham, we hope to see them back again soon.
Kerenza Hudson
Edited by: Jodie Averis
Cover image courtesy of Mannequin Death Squad's Facebook page.