The popular emo and pop-punk day festival is back once again with one of the best line-ups in recent years - check out Kerenza Hudson's thoughts.
The festival is reviving the old-school days of pop-punk with special reunion sets from Yellowcard and Kids in Glass Houses. Slam Dunk 2023 has become one of the fastest-selling Slam Dunks as of recently with both North and South coming close to selling out, with incredible headliners Enter Shikari and The Offspring. It's obvious how the elder emos have flocked for this mass gathering of alternative early 00s culture. The clashes are going to hurt on this one-day festival with bands such as Bowling for Soup, Underoath and Billy Talent all playing evening sets. The festival is also showcasing some newer and heavier UK bands such as Malevolence and Heriot who have really picked up a gathering as of late. Definitely not a festival to miss this bank holiday, especially with such a stacked line-up packaged into just one day!
Kerenza Hudson
Edited by Roxann Yus
Cover image courtesy of Slam Dunk Festival via Facebook.