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The Go! Team - Get Up Sequences Part Two

Sophie Kozlowska

Having steadily released an album once every three to four years, The Go! Team have

quickly followed up their 2021 album Get Up Sequences Part One with their 2023 album

Get Up Sequences Part Two, finalising their double album. Sophie Kozlowska offers us her thoughts...

Always full of character, The Go! Team have thrown their colourful and playful attitudes

towards their music yet again. Contrasting the political messages that are strewn

throughout the songs, with the shiny exterior of pop synths, groovy drums, and wacky

guitars, there is always something new to hear upon each listen.

The opening track, Look Away, Look Away dives straight in, starting off the album with a

gong, followed by a French count-in and a drum solo. Talk about bold! With five out of the

current seven members being either drummers or percussionists, it makes sense that there

is such a heavy focus on the rhythm section. There is a clever play on words in the chorus, as

‘le travail’ (French translation to ‘work’) is sung so quickly it sounds like ‘look away, look

away’. The creativity of the band is unmatched, particularly when you discover Easter eggs

such as this!

My highlight of the album is Whammy-O - feel-good tune that heavily features flutes,

horns, and drums. The rap is satisfying with a catchy chorus and perfectly rhythmically

placed vocals. If I were to criticise one thing, it would be that we sometimes lose the vocals

under the instruments. I am one to appreciate the wide use of instrumentation, however, it

does have its time and place. Particularly as there is an extended instrumental section later

in the song! Given the space to shine, I believe this track should be featured as a single


What would an album be without love songs? The Go! Team included five songs to do with

falling in love, breaking up, sex and the complexities of relationships. The depth of their

lyrics is often more than what is initially expected. The second listen through is truly


The Me Frequency uses synthy and futuristic sound effects throughout the track. When not

paying attention, it is a little trance-like, something uplifting and repetitive. However, when

looking closer at the lyrics, it is a social commentary about wanting to live in peace. A

modern lullaby well worth a listen!

"The mismatch of music and lyrics keeps you on your toes and hooks you in."

A common theme across this collection of songs, is creating a false sense of positivity, while

delivering serious undertones tackling topics such as political unease and inequality. This is

one of my favourite features of the music by The Go! Team. The mismatch of music and

lyrics keeps you on your toes and hooks you in. There is a purpose behind each song, and it

takes a careful ear to notice. Something that may just seem like a funky tune can carry the

weight of a protest song. Don’t let the motivational and uplifting melodies throw you off.

The lyrical content is often far from it.

Get Up Sequences Part Two is one for curious ears. A refreshing and maximalist take on

music with plenty to hear!

Sophie Kozlowska


Edited by: Izzy Morris

Cover and in-article image courtesy of The Go! Team on Spotify. Video courtesy of The Go! Team on YouTube.


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