Halfway through the UK stint of their latest tour and set to release their 5th studio album Night People in January 2017, You Me at Six lead guitarist Chris Miller gave us an exclusive interview of his take on all things You Me at Six and a few things personal to him.
We’ve already had two singles from the newly released album, but what can we expect from the rest of the album?
It’s a real mix of everything, the singles that have been released are only one style of song that’s on there. There’s something for everyone really, there’s some chill rock in there which was so fun to work on as a guitarist but there’s also more like the two singles already out. It’s been my personal favourite album so far to work on.
You mention the two singles out and they have this grittier style that’s slowly developed more with each album you release, is that something you decided intentionally or is it just something that just happened whilst writing the songs?
It just happened naturally, when we start writing songs we don’t have a final goal when it comes to an album, we just write anything and everything and once we’ve got everything down we look at it all and then pick a direction from there.
You’re coming off the back of your biggest success to date in the UK charts both in the singles charts and album charts with a number 1 album and a number 11 single, how do you think Night People will perform?
We really don’t know, we’ve been keeping an eye out to see who we’ll go up against but we would really be happy if we made top 10 again.
This tour has been a huge success for the band, you’ve sold out so many venues already across the UK and in Europe. What is it like to have so many fans in so many different places across Europe?
It’s an amazing experience and since we’ve been playing for so long now, when we’re looking out we’re seeing an audience that’s a lot broader than we used to expect and its cool to see because it feels like we’re growing up with our fans.
When it comes to your special events you have had such critical success winning the Kerrang! Award for your events 3 different times. What goes into making them as good as they are?
Well we always go out to create an event that’s something for us because if we don’t think it’s special enough or it’s not something we want to do then it’s just not going to be as good as it could be. One thing we try to do though is to use what we can to help people and that’s why we put so much effort into our special events is because they can really help people in need if we set out to do that.
What is your personal favourite song from the new album and what do you think will be the fans’ favourite song?
My personal favourite changes, since we’re always listening back to the album to make any changes we need to but I’d have to say “Swear” it’s just really to cool to listen back to now that its finished. As for what I think the fans favourite song will be, it’s hard to say because there’s a lot of songs on there that cater to a lot of different tastes but possibly “Brand New” or “Take on the World” is what I think might be the fan favourites.
With you guys playing so many venues on this tour and throughout your time as a band, what would you say is your favourite venue to play?
I would have to say anywhere in London is my favourite to play especially the Brixton academy. When I was growing up that was where I used to go to see any artists I wanted to go see play so to go back there and actually perform on those stages is a great feeling.
