In a place like Bodega you are always going to get a real feel for what a band is like, to have their energy seep into your skin; 9th March was no exception. With the venue absolutely rammed and a group that are really making a name for themselves, everyone in the heaving room knew that they were in for a night of epic anthemic sound.
Hannah Lou Clark was a brilliant choice of an opening act. Her stripped back but big sound emanating from a simple set up of her, her guitar and a looped drum recording captured the crowd and put them in the perfect frame of mind for what was about to come; a very good performance from an artist on her first solo tour.
Then there was the wait for the lads to come on. Mo had already come out earlier during Hannah’s set to mingle with the fans and watch some of the performance but you could still feel the tension in the air in the moments before they came out.
They arrived on stage to a huge roar from the audience. True to their understated but empowered stage presence, lead singer Dave took his customary place towards the back of stage with Mark, guitarist and backup singer, providing the panache up front; they smilingly absorbed the praise. You could see that they were already in the moment, fully hyped and true to form they absolutely smashed it. Opening with the emotional ‘Victory Line’ that has got them so much air play over the last 6 to 10 month, with its powerful lyrics (as well as a stunning video for those who haven’t seen it yet) and strong rock rift that hits you like a brick wall, the boys were off to a great start.
Quickly shifting into the haunting ‘Trick of the Light’ the band displayed the scope of their sound which had already captured everyone in the room. The set went from strength to strength but the highlight of the night had to be when what felt like the entire room erupted into song during ‘The Blue, The Green’, a cacophony of beautiful sound that washed over all. When later asked about how he thought the gig went lead singer David Jakes confided that it “was amazing to hear our own stuff come back at us like that…”
Lonely the Brave left all in attendance with a farewell gift by premiering a slower tempo new record that they had just finished recording. This last gift was a sign that Lonely’s ‘The Day’s War’ album is unlikely to be an admittedly bright flash in the plan and that the statement from Rock Sound that “Lonely The Brave could be the biggest band on the planet” is increasingly looking less like hyperbole and more like a cunning foresight for what is a great live band.
By Samuel Adams