Robyn's back again to keep us up to date with up-and-coming artists from Oz, this time introducing psych-rock bands Babe Rainbow AUS and Ocean Alley.
In the spotlight this week are Babe Rainbow AUS (don’t forget the 'AUS' bit or you’ll end up with a Canadian band who have a completely different vibe). The four piece psychedelic rock band have hits such as Johny Says Stay Cool and Peace Blossom Boogy; songs that if you don’t already know well, you’ll hear and think you’ve definitely heard them somewhere before. If not, I’m sure you’ll enjoy them regardless.

Babe Rainbow have been a favourite band of mine for a while and I’ve been waiting for them to blow up. Currently, the Byron Bay group are touring around Europe and have been pretty successful with branching out of their comfort zone and making waves on the other side of the planet. They’re just what you'd expect from an Aussie band if the 'surfer chill' stereotype is anything to go by, with hippie vibes running strongly through both their albums. The Babe Rainbow AUS and Double Rainbow manage to merge the present day with a throwback hippy feel, reminiscent of the 60s and 70s.
'They're just what you'd expect from an Aussie band if the 'surfer chill' stereotype is anything to go by'
Another band I strongly recommend you check out if you enjoy music with very chill vibes is Ocean Alley - sticking once again with the typically Aussie surfer stereotype, Ocean Alley mix psychedelic rock with reggae. Standout tracks from their newest album Chiaroscuro (which literally means 'dark and light', perfectly encapsulating the mood of the album) include The Comedown and Confidence. However, my favourite track of theirs is definitely Yellow Mellow; the relaxed reggae feel to this tune often means the band are compared to Sticky Fingers - another Aussie band who are pretty well known back at home now too.

If you only have the chance to listen to one song today, go and check out either of these bands and I guarantee you’ll fall in love with the albums in no time. Let me know what you think of these guys or if you have any other favourite NZ or AUS bands! @robswalford on Twitter.